NOTE: I mention and provide links to some products in this post, but I do not get any kind of commission, referral fee or other benefit from doing so. I just include it so you can find it if you like it.
It’s been a while since I posted, but I’ve had a lot going on. I’m starting to do kits for Annie’s Caring Crochet Kit Club. This is a really cool program they have where, for about $20 a month, you get a complete kit to make an item – usually things like shawls, chemotherapy caps, baby blankets and so on – which you then donate to a charity of your choice. If you don’t have a special one you want to donate to, they have a list of several that will gladly accept your gifts. Here’s a picture of the shawl that is this month’s item:

For those who don’t know, I’m Heathen, meaning I honor and follow the pre-Christian Norse gods, and lately, one in particular, Freyja, seems to be wanting my attention. Freyja is the goddess of a lot of things, including love. Not just romantic love, but all kinds of love, and I believe She is asking me to do this in Her name and honor, so I’m going to list the gifts as “Made for the Freyja’s Heart Collection by EarthboundValkyrie.”
If I’m ever able to make stuff good enough to sell – which I hope to do to help raise money to publish the books I’ve been writing – those I’d want to name in Frigga’s honor. Frigga is the goddess who is most associated with the home and with fiber arts, so those items would be “Made for the Frigga’s Hearth Collection by EarthboundValkyrie.”
I’m also working on a Block-of-the-Month Kit, also from Annie’s, where each month, I get patterns and yarn for 3 blocks of the afghan. Each block uses a different stitch, so you’ll get to learn and practice several stitches that you may not have used before. At the end of 10 months, I’ll have 30 blocks and will then learn how to stitch them together and do a finishing border. It’s a pretty afghan – I’m using the Plumberry colorway. Here’s a picture of that:

I’ve had to set aside the Moroccan Tiles Afghan for now because I’ve been having trouble counting stitches, and it’s really important to do that correctly on that pattern! I really can’t wait to get started on it again, but I want to get to feeling more steady in counting before I do.
I’m really learning a lot and am having a blast doing it!